
We are imaginative artists, creating captivating art inspired by our deep connection with the Galapagos.​

Diverse creators united by a love for our islands, sharing unique art inspired by nature's colors and textures.

Local artists, artisans and producers are a source of pride for the Galapagos community. They capture the colors of nature in their paintings and pictures, promote conservation using recycled material for their artwork, to transform a piece of wood, paper, glass into unique and beautiful crafts, and to develop a local coffee culture.

Sarah Darling, Artist

Her art is a mix between magical realism and impressionism. In 1989 she visited the Galapagos to paint pictures for a London gallery and settled on the islands. Passionate about her adventures, she sailed with her husband from the Dominican Republic to the Galapagos in "The Angelique." She named her gallery in honor of the vessel. Sarah is committed to conserving the Galapagos, so she is part of initiatives to protect it. 

José Quinchiguango, Artist

He paints and sculpts inspired by the islands. To merchant parents, he was born in Otavalo in the Ecuadorian highlands, and since he was nine years old, he has lived in the Galapagos. At the age of 15 a teacher discovered his talent for drawing, and from that age, he has been a painter, sculptor and muralist. He molds the shapes and colors of the Galapagos animals, which he also portrays in beautiful murals, and shares his art with the community. He dreams of having an art school on Santa Cruz Island.

Fausto Llerena, Artisan

One of the first park rangers of the Galapagos National Park. He was born on the mainland of Ecuador 80 years ago. He arrived with his parents and siblings in the Galapagos when he was a child. He cared for Lonesome George, the giant tortoise, the last known male and individual of one of the Galapagos giant tortoise species for nearly four decades. He carves tortoises, penguins, iguanas, and birds, but locals and tourists particularly appreciate his Lonesome George pieces.

Mayra Hernández, Artisan

The beach inspires her and makes her dream. With her hands and talent, she transforms ocean debris into art. She was born in Galapagos, and she has always lived on Santa Cruz Island. Her childhood was full of natural experiences and she adored playing with animals. She loved to paint and draw, and that was always her way of expressing herself. As a grown-up, she embraced the trade of costume jewelry. After obtaining her artisan certificate, she opened her workshop at home. Three years ago, she specialized in recycled art.

Daysi Patiño, Artisan

She dazzles with her paper pearls. Galapagueña, by birth, her parents came to the islands more than 60 years ago. She lives on the island of Santa Cruz, and for 15 years, she has worked on her art. She made crafts for which she has always had a talent as a child. She was trained and specialized in techniques to work recycled material, such as paper and glass. Today she is dedicated to working with coated paper that she transforms into necklaces and bracelets appreciated by visitors.

Jorge Torres, Artisan

He made his toys, and today he resurrects wood. At just nine months old, he arrived in Santa Cruz with his parents from mainland Ecuador. At the age of four, he was already drawing, and at seven, he was making his wooden toys. One of his teachers at school recognized his potential and inspired him to dedicate himself to carving and making art his profession. At the age of 16, he bought his first work tools and began creating his works, such as the turtles he achieves.


Edgar Jacome, Artist

He loves colors. Galapagos "is my paradise to paint." He has lived in Santa Cruz for 36 years. He began to draw and paint with crayons and watercolors as a child. He could not study fine arts, but he made art his profession and has painted large murals. He painted the first mural of him 23 years ago. A Celebrity Cruises executive saw him and invited him to exhibitions on one of the ships. He has exhibited internationally in Germany, Austria, and in various cities of Ecuador.

Vanesa Enrique, Artist

"It is never too late to be an artist". Vanesa arrived in Galapagos in 2015, together with her husband and children she lives in Santa Cruz Island. Her interest in art started as a teenager when she visited exhibitions, Vanesa decided to study Fine Arts in Argentina. Her artwork is in acrylic, oil and watercolors. She likes watercolors because they allow her work to be spontaneous. For Vanesa, the environment always influences the artist and the Galapagos landscape is her main inspiration.

Clovis Patiño, Artisan

He works magic with recycled glass. He was born on the island of Santa Cruz. From fishing parents, his family emigrated to the islands more than 60 years ago from Esmeraldas, on mainland Ecuador. He is a plastic artist and teacher. He studied graphic design in Quito and grew up with the practice as an artist and craftsman. He has worked in schools as a drawing and painting teacher. He specializes in creating with recycled glass, and thus, he tries to give back to his environment what it has given him.

Isaac Delgado, Artisan

He is a footballer who loves art and enjoys everything in life. When he was a professional soccer player, he suffered an injury that caused him to move to the Galapagos and change the course of his life. He is committed to peace and conservation and stands out by making collective works of art, such as Darwin's Arch, which welcomes travelers at the entrance to the Galapagos National Park on Santa Cruz Island. He enjoys making murals. He takes advantage of these spaces to educate about the Galapagos species and emphasize the importance of protecting them.

Giovanna Morales, Artisan

 She is the daughter of a sailor. She captivates with oil paintings and creates inspiring landscapes. At age five, she lived with her family in Macas and grew up with the Shuar community in eastern Ecuador. There she learned carving, crafts and crocheting. And today, she paints natural landscapes in oil. At the age of nine, she arrived in Galapagos with her family. Her father was in Denmark for work. He came to the islands and fell in love with them. She is also an art teacher and is convinced that we can all create art.

Richard Batallas, Artisan

He is an artist who dazzles with glass and its colors. He was born in the El Oro province in southern Ecuador. Twenty years ago, he came to the islands with his wife and his first daughter, only seven months old. Since he was 15 years old, he has worked in carpentry like his family. However, shortly after arriving in Galapagos, he began to work with recycled glass and resin, challenging the concept of waste and inspired by the animals of the Galapagos and the islands'. 

Jacinto Heras, Artisan

Since he was a child, his hands have made magic on wood. He came from Azuay in the Ecuadorian highlands to the Galapagos Islands, where he has lived for 30 years. He met his wife, with whom he has three children, artists, and professionals. As a child, he made his toys, and today with wood, he recreates figures. One of his jewelers reached the hands of Pope Francis. He loves wood carving, and in addition to jewelry, he makes trays, piggy banks, picture frames and tries new things.  

Segundo Ruiz, Artisan

He possesses a unique precision for carving wood. From the province of Azuay, in the south of Ecuador, he arrived at Isabela Island in 1992. Before arriving in the islands, he was dedicated to jewelry by family tradition. Once in Galapagos, he began to carve figures in trunks and roots. Three years later, he traveled to Santa Cruz Island, where he has his workshop, which he shares with his son, who has followed in his footsteps. With woods and whimsical root shapes, he makes art pieces appreciated in various parts of the world.

Mario Piu, Producer

Proud to drink the coffee he produces. He has been a passionate marine biologist and coffee farmer since the first time he drank a cup of coffee grown by his own hands. He began this activity as a hobby, and over time he specialized and expanded his Tantum farm, which today employs 15 families in the upper part of Santa Cruz Island. Thanks to the oceanic circulation, Mario produces a specialty coffee, which generates unique microclimates for planting it in the Galapagos.

Markus Medina, Producer

He lives deeply connected to the aroma and taste of coffee. He was born in Saraguro, Loja province in southern Ecuador. He is a tour guide and coffee farmer. He arrived in Galapagos in 2007. Shortly after, he met his wife, and since 2013 he has lived on San Cristóbal Island, where his dream of growing coffee was born. Café Ranti (give to receive, in Quechua) was born during the pandemic. Marcus exchanged coffee for other products from the field, thus legitimizing the name of his business.

Diego Bermeo, Photographer

He is a park ranger and photographer, promoting cultural identity and conservation. He works in the communication department of the Galapagos National Park. He has been in his profession for 20 years and has been in the Galapagos since 2009. His priority is to encourage conservation in the younger generations of the Galapagos. He is the Young Galápagos Photographers program manager, convinced that you can only love what you know and take care of what you love.

Young Photographers 

The Young Galapagos Photographers program on Santa Cruz Island was born in 2014 due to the need to sensitize the population about the conservation of the islands. A survey carried out by the Naveducando project in mid-2017  with more than 400 students from Isabela, San Cristóbal, and Santa Cruz islands revealed that only 7 out of 10 children have traveled to another island besides the one they inhabit.

José Luis Herrera, Artisan

Family artisan, his inspiration is conservation. He is from the island of Santa Cruz and belongs to the second generation of artists in his family. His brand Zalophus (scientific name of the Galapagos sea lion and unique in the world) was born after a backpacking trip when he returned from Brazil after studying renewable energy. His glasses are made mainly of biodegradable materials such as wood. He also makes bamboo watches, hats, and toothbrushes